café of life


A Café of Life is a place that thinks radically different about health. It is about people, Life and living, where your health, Life and Human Potential are honored and focused upon at all times. At the Café you will experience a different way of thinking about Life, healing and wellness. Where care is provided through an understanding and respect of the power that creates life.

Trip Update - The Great Plains

Here we go. Starting our flat portion of the drive.
"Folks, this is your captaon speaking. On the left you will notice
nothing. Out of your right window - nothing. And if you look way off
into the may need to squint, but you just might make

In all honesty, it's really beautiful out here. I am amazed at how the
terrain changes as we cross the country. God is a majestical creator
that loves variation. I wonder what the new Earth that the Bible
speaks of will look like one day?!?! Seeing as we have really screwed
the pooch (what does that even mean?) on this 1st version.

Numerous friends told us how utterly boring the drive through cattle
country is. Pun intended. Utter. Ah huhu, cow nipples. Maybe we
can stop and find some raw milk...


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